Ingrid Simonnæs

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Ingrid Simonnæs (* 1942 in Bern ) is a Norwegian linguist and translation scholar. She is a retired professor at the Institutt for fagspråk og interkulturell kommunikasjon at Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH) in Bergen .


Ingrid Simonnæs was born in Bern in 1942. In 1971 she obtained the academic degree Candidata philologiæ (cand. Philol.) At the University of Bergen , where she worked as a research assistant at the Institute for German until 1973. In the same year she followed the call of Norges Handelshøyskole, where she worked as a German lecturer. She received her doctorate in 2004 with a dissertation on the subject of comprehension problems in specialist texts. On conceptual systems and paraphrases as visualization and verbalization instruments in communication between experts and laypeople. An investigation based on judicial decisions . Her main research interests are text linguistics in the field of legal language and translatology. Simonnæs is the editor of Synaps magazine , which is published at irregular intervals by the Institutt for fagspråk og interkulturell kommunikasjon .

Offices and memberships

  • Representation of the NHH in the CIUTI

Publications (selection)

  • Understanding problems with specialist texts . Frankfurt / M., Lang 2005
  • Norsk-tysk juridisk ordbok . Bergen, Fagbokforlaget 1994
  • Legal communication nationally and internationally in the field of tension between hermeneutics, cognition and pragmatics . Berlin, Frank & Timme 2012

Web links