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CIUTI is the abbreviation for Conférence Internationale Permanente d'Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et Interprètes ( French for International Conference of University Institutes for Interpreters and Translators ). The aim of the association is to enable international cooperation between the training institutes for language mediators and thus to harmonize, improve and design training in a practical manner.

The CIUTI goes back to an initiative of the corresponding university institutes in Geneva , Heidelberg , Mainz-Germersheim and Paris ( Sorbonne ) in 1960. It was founded as an association (initially with the abbreviation CIUTI) in 1962. It was registered as an international association under Belgian law on November 24, 1994. The currently more than forty members around the world meet once a year at one of the member institutes for the CIUTI general assembly. A CIUTI forum has also been held annually since 2003 (usually in January and mostly at the UN in Geneva). This is a large conference with mostly over 200 participants from all over the world, at which various current aspects of the translation and interpreting market as well as translation studies and didactics are discussed. The organization only accepts institutions that offer training courses for translation and / or interpreting and that meet certain quality criteria.

In contrast to the young EMT network of the EU Commission ( European Masters' in Translation ), which also sets high quality criteria but only considers the educational performance of a degree program, CIUTI membership also requires an institute to provide evidence of performance in the field of translation research . This manifests itself in the CIUTI motto introduced in 2011: "Excellence in T&I Training and Research".

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