Health and Work Initiative

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The Health and Work Initiative (iga) has been cooperating since 2002 with the BKK umbrella association, the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), the AOK Federal Association (AOK-BV) and the Association of Substitute Funds (vdek). The aim of cross-social insurance cooperation is to further develop prevention approaches for the world of work in order to prevent work-related health hazards. This is intended, on the one hand, to maintain and promote the health of employees and, on the other hand, to support the competitiveness of companies.

The Health and Work Initiative works on a project-by-project basis in research, advice and training on the following topics:

  • Prevention goals for the world of work,
  • Work in transition,
  • Shaping healthy work,
  • Effectiveness of preventive measures as well
  • Networking and information exchange.

The basis of the cooperation between statutory accident insurance and health insurance are § 20 SGB V and § 14 SGB VII. In the initiative health and work, the four associations are continuing their cooperation with the cooperation project work and health (KOPAG) and the integration program work and Health (IPAG) started.

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