Instituto Cubano de Radio y Televisión

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The Instituto Cubano de Radio y Televisión (ICRT) is the state broadcasting authority of Cuba .


The age of broadcasting began in Cuba in 1922 with the PWX station . Cuba initially followed the US model, and several nationwide radio chains emerged, including Circuito CMQ (the former PWX), RHC-Cadena Azul (CMCY; from 1954 Circuito Nacional Cubano , CMW), Union Radio (CMCF) and Cadena Oriental de Radio (CMCI). Television started in Cuba in 1950; here too, CMQ was soon the front runner. After the Cuban Revolution , the Instituto Cubano de Radiodifusión was set up as the national broadcasting authority for Cuba on May 24, 1962 . In 1976 the institute was given its current name.

Under his leadership, the radio sector (Radio Cubana) was continued nationwide as Radio Liberación , Radio Progreso (founded 1929, CMBC), Radio Reloj (1947, CMCB), CMBF Radio Musical Nacional (1948; daughter of CMQ) and that since 1958 of the movement of July 26 as underground stations operated radio Rebelde , as well as the foreign service radio Havana Cuba (since 1961). Radio Enciclopedia was added in 1962 . In 1984 Radio Liberación was absorbed into Radio Rebelde. Radio Taíno began in 1985 (originally as a response to US Radio Martí ). In 2018 there are 99 radio programs: 6 national, 19 provincial and 73 local programs as well as the international service.

In the television sector (Televisión Cubana, TVC), CMQ was continued as Canal 6 and renamed Cubavisión in 1988 . Tele Rebelde (1968), Cubavisión Internacional (1986), Canal Educativo (2002/04), Multivisión (2008), Canal Clave (2013) and Canal Caribe (2017) were newly created .


  • Oscar Luis López (1998): La Radio en Cuba, Letras Cubanas, La Habana, 1998.
  • Ariana Hernandez-Reguant: Cuba . In: Christopher H. Sterling (ed.), Encyclopedia of radio (2004), Vol 1, pp. 689 -695.

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. US Foreign Service: Cuban Broadcasting Networks (1949)
  3. ICRT: Emisoras cubanas en vivo por Internet