Intelligent Energy Europe

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The Intelligent Energy - Europe program consists of the SAVE , ALTENER , STEER and COOPENER programs . It was decided on the basis of decision 1230/2003 / EC of the European Parliament and the Council as a continuation of the existing but expiring EU funding programs .

The program should:

  • enable sustainable development in the energy sector,
  • promote more economical energy consumption,
  • increase the use of renewable energy sources,
  • achieve a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions in the transport sector,
  • include the promotion of renewable energy sources and
  • support energy efficiency in developing countries.


The term “Intelligent Energy - Europe” originally formed the subtitle of Decision 1230/2003 / EC. The term “Intelligent Energy - Europe” is abbreviated to IEE.

Content and areas of action

As part of the “Intelligent Energy - Europe” program, measures in the EU member states were coordinated and strengthened in the years 2003–2006, in particular to promote renewable energies and energy efficiency and saving . Four areas in particular were planned:

  • Rational use of energy and energy efficiency (SAVE), financial resources around 35% of the total budget;
  • Renewable energies in the Union (ALTENER), financial resources around 40% of the total budget;
  • Transport (STEER), financial resources around 16% of the total budget;
  • Support for initiatives outside the Union to promote renewable energies and energy efficiency (COOPENER), financial resources around 9% of the total budget.


The IEE program aimed to " financially support local, regional and national initiatives in the field of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, energy-specific aspects of transport and international funding " and thereby a decisive change in the use of energy within and outside of the Reach the EU with private individuals, companies and authorities.

As a result, among other things, sustainable economic growth and the creation of jobs within the European Union should be linked.


Around EUR 200 million was made available for this program between 2003 and 2006, with the Union not bearing more than 50% of the total cost of the action supported.

Current status

The "Intelligent Energy - Europe" (IEE) program has been a sub-program of the "Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Program (CIP)" since the program expired at the end of 2006.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. From June 26, 2003, OJ. 176 of July 15, 2003, p. 29.
  2. Official title: “Decision No. 1230/2003 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 26, 2003 establishing a multiannual program for measures in the energy sector: Intelligent Energy for Europe program (2003-2006) [Official Journal L 176 of July 15, 2003]. "
  3. Quoted from the website of the European Union:
  4. For comparison: for the current CIP around EUR 3.6 billion will be made available from 2007 to 2013 and up to 75% of the total costs will be funded.
  5. Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Program - Decision No. 1639/2006 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 24, 2006 establishing a framework program for competitiveness and innovation (2007-2013)