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The Altener EU programs promote renewable energies, their centralized and decentralized generation and integration into the urban environment. As a specific implementation program, the Altener program is part of a fundamental, multi-year EC / EU research framework program .


The 1st Altener program for the promotion of renewable energy sources was originally provided with a financing framework of 77 million euros .

Achieved goals

The Altener programs and the follow-up programs of the European Union have contributed to the achievement of the following overarching community goals in the fields of energy and the environment :

  • Limitation of CO 2 emissions;
  • Increase the share of renewable energy sources in the Community's energy balance in order to achieve the indicative target of 12% of gross internal energy consumption within the Community by 2010;
  • Reducing dependence on imported energy;
  • Security of supply in the energy sector;
  • Promoting regional and local economic development and economic and social cohesion.

This was achieved, among other things, by:

  • Studies and other actions aimed at implementing and completing other Community and Member State measures to develop the potential of renewable energy sources;
  • Pilot actions of Community interest to create or expand infrastructures for the development of renewable energy sources;
  • Measures to develop structures for information and for training and further education; Measures to promote the exchange of experience;
  • targeted actions to facilitate the penetration and know-how of renewable energy sources with the aim of stimulating investment;
  • Monitoring and evaluation actions with the aim of monitoring the implementation of the Community action plan for the development of renewable energy sources, supporting the actions taken under the action plan, evaluating the impact and cost-effectiveness of actions and measures under the Altener program.

The Altener I program (1993–1997), which was extended several times, was an important step towards promoting renewable energies and thus protecting the climate .

Follow-up programs

Other programs supported efforts to change the existing energy supply structures in the European Community. The Altener program expired in 2002. It is now being continued as an “action area” within the framework of the “Intelligent Energy - Europe” program (Sixth Framework Program 2003-2006).

This important program based on the decision of the European Parliament and the Council of June 26, 2003 for the period 2003 to 2006 with the appropriate subtitle: " Intelligent Energy - Europe ", was also the testing and demonstration of the use of renewable energies in the transport sector ( STEER ).


Sources and References

  1. Altener I program (1993 to 1997 - Regulation 2008/90 / EEC of June 29, 1990, OJ L 185 of July 17, 1990, p. 1.) and Altener II (1998-2002 - Council decision 98/352 / EG of May 18, 1998, OJ L 159 of June 3, 1998, p. 53.). For the successor programs ("Altener III") see also Decision 646/2000 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of February 28, 2000, ABl. L 79 of 30 March 2000, p. 1 - " Intelligent Energy - Europe ")
  2. Old nutrition tive Ener gies
  3. This share is to be increased to 20% by 2020.
  4. Quoted from: Renewable energy sources: Altener (1998-2002) ( Memento from May 2, 2006 in the Internet Archive ).
  5. See: Council Decision 93/500 / EEC of 13 September 1993, OJ. L 235 of September 18, 1993;
  6. See: Altener II 1998-2002, Council decision 98/352 / EC of May 18, 1998, ABl. L 159 of 3 June 1998, p. 53.
  7. See also:
    • European Commission . Opinion according to Art 251 para. 2 lit. c of the EGV on the amendments of the European Parliament on the multiannual program for the promotion of renewable energy sources (Altener), COM / 1999/560 final / 2;
    • ESC , Opinion on the proposal for a Council decision on a multiannual program to promote renewable energy sources in the Community (Altener II), OJ. C 019 v. January 21, 1998, p. 32.
    • Council of the Community , Common Position No. 9/98 EC v. January 19, 1998 on a multi-year program to promote renewable energy sources in the Community (Altener II), ABl. C 062 v. February 26, 1998, p. 31.
    • Council of the Community, Decision 98/352 / EC of May 18, 1998 on a multiannual program for the promotion of renewable energy sources in the Community (Altener II), ABl. L 159 v. June 3, 1998, pp. 53-57.
    • Court of Auditors of the Communities , Special Report No 17/98 on support for renewable energy sources in the Joule-Thermie (cost-sharing actions) and Altener (pilot measures) programs , together with the Commission's replies, OJ. C 356 BC November 20, 1998, pp. 39-68.
    • Council of the Community, Common Position No. 29/1999 EC v. June 28, 1999 on the multi-year program to promote renewable energy sources (Altener), ABl. C 243 BC August 27, 1999, p. 47.
  8. Decision No. 1230/2003 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2003 establishing a multiannual program for measures in the energy sector: " Intelligent Energy - Europe " (2003-2006), OJ. L 176 of July 15, 2003, p. 29ff, Art 3 para. 1 lit. b. The program will be continued in accordance with Decision No. 1639/2006 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 2006 establishing a Framework Program for Competitiveness and Innovation (2007-2013) (CIP)
  9. Decision 1230/2003 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 26, 2003, OJ. 176 of July 15, 2003, p. 29.
  10. The program has now expired and is being implemented in the framework of Decision No. 1230/2003 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 26, 2003 establishing a multiannual program for measures in the energy sector: "Intelligent Energy Europe" (2003-2006) , OJ. L 176 of July 15, 2003, p. 29ff, Art 3 para. 1 lit. c. continued.

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