International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk

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The International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied gas in Bulk ( IGC Code ) is an international safety standard for the construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gases as bulk on ships .

Legal status

The IGC code is (as Chapter VII Part C) part of the IMO SOLAS Convention .

The current version of the Code is consistent with Resolution MSC.30 (61) of 1992 with amendments from Resolutions MSC.32 (63) and MSC.59 (67) (1994 and 1996).

By referring to the IGC code in German dangerous goods law for maritime shipping (e.g. in the sea dangerous goods ordinance or in the maritime traffic regulations ), the IGC code is recognized as national law.

Goal setting

According to its preamble, the IGC Code is intended to provide an international standard for the safe transport of liquefied gases and certain other substances in bulk on ocean-going vessels . It is primarily aimed at questions relating to the construction and equipment of seagoing vessels, i. H. especially gas tankers .

It should be noted that the IGC code is not applicable for the transport of dangerous goods in packaged form (see delimitation)

Content / structure

The IGC code consists of 19 chapters and an appendix. These regulate minimum requirements and a. with regard to the following points:

  • Ship stability, freeboard, arrangement of cargo tanks
  • Separation of cargo tanks from other areas of the ship
  • Devices for pressure and temperature control
  • Electrical facilities
  • Ventilation systems, systems for gas detection
  • Fire protection and extinguishing equipment
  • Personal protection and safety equipment
  • Use of the cargo as marine fuel

Chapter 19 contains a list of substances and in the transport of these substances to be observed minimum requirements ( inimum requirements )


In addition to the IGC code, there are a number of other special regulations for the transport of dangerous goods on seagoing vessels: