International Dragon Boat Federation

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The International Dragon Boat Federation (ger .: International Dragon Boat Federation / IDBF) is the umbrella organization for the world's national dragon boat associations. Since 1995 he has organized world championships in dragon boat sport every two years .


The IDBF was founded in 1991. Since then she has developed the 2000 year old Chinese tradition of the dragon boat into a modern international competitive sport. Currently (2007) the IDBF has 57 national members. The German Dragon Boat Association is also a member of the world association. In 2007 it was accepted into the world sports association GAISF as the umbrella organization for dragon boat sports .

Head of the IDBF

The association is based in Beijing , China.

Continental members

  • Asian Dragon Boat Federation (ADBF)
  • European Dragon Boat Federation (EDBF)
  • North America (NOA)
  • Australasia (ANZ)
  • Southern Africa (SOA)

Web links

Official website