International Aiki Peace Week

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The International Aiki Peace Week ( Engl. International Aiki Peace Week, abbreviated IAPW ) is a coordinated global action of Aikidodojos and martial arts schools in temporal connection with the International Day of United Nations (UN) peace. With a resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN General Assembly) in 2001, the 21st of September each year was proclaimed a World Day of Peace . It is intended to strengthen the idea of ​​peace both within countries and peoples and between them through actions by governmental and non-governmental organizations, civil groups and individuals. In 2010, for the first time, numerous Aikidodojos from many countries took part in these worldwide peace activities as part of the newly launched International Aiki Peace Week.

Goals of the peace week

The International Aiki Peace Week is used by Aikido practitioners from all over the world to bring Aikido as an art of peace with its potential for reconciliation, compassion and non-violence into the consciousness of a wider public in coordination with the UN Peace Day. The goals are in detail:

  1. To make the peace-making potential of Aikido in the sense of its founder Ueshiba Morihei the subject of an annual, time-coordinated campaign by Aikido practitioners, regardless of organizational affiliation and stylistic orientation.
  2. To try out Aiki methods for peacemaking and violence prevention in practice and to make them usable in society beyond the training facilities.
  3. To anchor Aikido as a practical art of peace in the public consciousness.
  4. To contribute to making Aikido an important part of a culture of peace that is more widely perceived by the public .



The idea for the International Aiki Peace Week was developed by the two aikido masters Paul Linden (Columbus / USA) and Bertram Wohak (Munich). Aiki Extensions (AE), an international non-profit organization of Aikido teachers dedicated to the application and dissemination of Aiki principles outside of traditional martial arts training, adopted this idea and became the organizer of the International Aiki Peace Week.

Starting year 2010

The International Aiki Peace Week took place for the first time in 2010 in the week of September 20-26. In this first year, 340 dojos from 43 countries and different organizational affiliations took part in the International Aiki Peace Week with independent activities.


"Aiki Peace Week is an excellent idea."

"The Aiki Peace Week is an excellent idea."

- M. Tani : International Department, Hombu Dojo, Aikido World Headquarters , email to the IAPW Committee on June 4, 2010

“It is Aikido that builds bridges everywhere and connects all people through harmony and love. Nevertheless, I still train, because I don't just want to build bridges, I also want to study the core of true Budo in more detail. The true martial art, which I call takemusu aiki , embraces all living beings in love and works for the peace of all humanity. "

- Ueshiba Morihei : in: Kisshomaru Ueshiba: The Spirit of Aikido, p.138

“O-Sensei often spoke about the state of the world. He constantly prayed, worried, and attended to global issues. He was concerned with why there was so much death, crime and war. Twenty-four hours, day after day, he turned his mind to the world community in order to connect with it. "

- Mitsugi Saotome : in: Susan Perry (ed.): Memories of O-Sensei, p.103

“Those who think deeply about Aikido feel that they must participate in the establishment of a universal system of truth and justice. It is our duty to serve as messengers and guides for world peace and universal brotherhood. "

“Those who think deeply about Aikido feel an obligation to participate in the establishment of a universal system of truth and justice. It is our duty to serve as messengers and guides for world peace and universal brotherhood. "

- Ueshiba Morihei : The Heart of Aikido, The Philosophy of Takemusu Aiki, p.30

"Aikido is meant to bring out the best in people, to lead us along the proper path. Its basis is love. The purpose of Aikido is to help us fulfill our mission to bring peace and harmony to this world. "

“Aikido means bringing out the best in people and leading us on the right path. Its basis is love. It is the purpose of Aikido to help us fulfill our mission of bringing peace and harmony into the world. "

- Ueshiba Morihei : The Heart of Aikido, The Philosophy of Takemusu Aiki, p.99


  • Susan Perry (Ed.): Memories of O-Sensei. Living and practicing with Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido. Joy Verlag, Oy-Mittelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-928554-66-4 .
  • Kisshōmaru Ueshiba : The spirit of Aikidō. Werner Kristkeitz Verlag, Heidelberg 1993, ISBN 3-932337-37-9 .
  • Morihei Ueshiba : The Art of Peace. Translated and edited by John Stevens. Shambhala, Boston MA 2007, ISBN 978-1-59030-448-8 .
  • Morihei Ueshiba: The Essence of Aikido, Spiritual Teachings of Morihei Ueshiba. Kodansha International, Tokyo et al. 1998, ISBN 4-7700-2357-X .
  • Morihei Ueshiba: The Heart of Aikido. The Philosophy of Takemusu Aiki. Kodansha International, Tokyo et al. 2010, ISBN 978-4-7700-3114-3 .
  • Morihei Ueshiba: The Secret Teachings of Aikido. Kodansha International, Tokyo et al. 2008, ISBN 978-4-7700-3030-6 .

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