International conference on renewable energies

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International conferences for renewable energies ( Renewables-Con for short ) are political-scientific summits at national level, at which environment ministers, civil servants, specialists and journalists advise on necessary concrete projects and previous successes of an environmental policy of switching to renewable energies .

The first world summit on this topic took place in 2002 in the South African metropolis of Johannesburg . The follow-up conference was organized by the then German Federal Environment Minister Jürgen Trittin from June 1st to 4th, 2004 in the old Bundestag building ( IKBB ) in Bonn . The third global meeting in this series took place at the beginning of November 2005 with 1,200 participants from 100 countries in the Chinese capital Beijing . The following meetings were held in Washington, DC in 2008 and New Delhi in 2010 . The last conference took place from January 15-17, 2013 in Abu Dhabi .

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