International support group for space travel, Hermann Oberth - Wernher von Braun

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The international support group for space travel Hermann Oberth - Wernher von Braun (IFR) e. V. is a German association for the promotion of space travel . It was founded on June 24, 1969 in Salzburg and has its statutory seat in Nuremberg. Wernher von Braun was the founding president . Other founding members included Hermann Oberth , Erna Roth-Oberth , Ernst Stuhlinger , Ernst Sellner and August Friedrich Staats, who succeeded von Braun as long-term president. In 1971 the IFR was accepted into the " International Astronautical Federation (IAF) ". Peter A. Kramer has been President since 1999.

Goal setting

The association carries on the ideas and visions of the space pioneers Hermann Oberth, Wernher von Braun and Eugen Sänger in order to promote the dissemination and acceptance of space travel among the public. The honoring of deserving personalities from politics, science and business is an essential part of his efforts.

In this endeavor, the association awards the following awards for outstanding services to space travel:

  • Hermann Oberth Ring of Honor
  • Hermann Oberth Medal
  • Wernher von Braun ring of honor
  • Wernher von Braun Medal

At the IAF annual conference of the IFR, young scientists are awarded the Hermann Oberth Young Scientists Prize .

The IFR pays special attention to work with young people and young people, also in the non-academic area. Among other things, the “Space Summer Academy” project, support for rocket model sports groups and the maintenance of the museum concept and history-conscious documentation serve this purpose.

The association organizes an annual space congress with selected speakers from all fields of space travel such as business, law, medicine, the environment, technology and politics. The aim is to provide interested parties with the most objective possible overall picture of the opportunities for space travel, but also of the limits set by nature and technology.

The IFR sees itself as a representative of the entire breadth of international space activities and interests.

Youth work

As a requirement of the statutes of the IFR, youth work is an important branch of the association's work. For this reason and in accordance with the mandate of its statutes, the IFR, in cooperation with the RMV82, organizes workshops at schools, kindergartens and trade fairs, at which children and young people are introduced to the topics. A "rocket diploma" will be awarded to confirm participation.

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