Ioan Ungur

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Ioan Ungur (born January 5, 1935 in Șomcuta Mare , Maramureş district ; † 2003 ) was a Romanian politician of the Romanian Communist Party PMR (Partidul Muncitoresc Român) and from 1965 PCR (Partidul Comunist Român) .


After attending the Theoretical Gymnasium in Cluj-Napoca in 1952, Ioan Ungur began studying mechanical engineering at the Faculty of Mechanics at the Polytechnic Institute there, from which he graduated in 1957 as a mechanical engineer. During his studies he was a member of the faculty committee of Uniunea Tineretului Muncitor UTM, the youth association of the PMR, between 1952 and 1957 . In 1957 he began his professional career as a deputy foreman in the training department of the mechanical engineering factory in Sibiu , where he became a technological engineer, project engineer and, most recently, head of the planning department. In January 1960 he became a member of the Romanian Communist Party PMR (Partidul Muncitoresc Român) .

Ungur also completed courses at the PMR Party School and the University of Marxism-Leninism and obtained a doctorate from the Social-Political Academy " Stefan Gheorghiu " in Bucharest. In November 1963 he became director of the Sibiu Municipal Enterprises and in January 1966 a member of the Economic Commission and instructor of the Economics section of the PCR Committee in Brașov County . From February 1968 to March 5, 1969 he was Secretary for Economy of the PCR Committee in Sibiu County and then from March 1969 to June 1979 first Vice-President of the Executive Committee of the People's Council of Sibiu County. At the tenth party conference of the PCR (October 6 to 12, 1969) he became a candidate for the Central Committee (ZK) of the PCR. At the Eleventh Party Congress of the PCR (November 24-27, 1974) he became a member of the Central Committee of the PCR, of which he was a member until November 23, 1979. In August 1979 he returned to the Brașov County and was there until June 1, 1984 Secretary for Economy of the PCR County Committee. At the same time he was on September 24, 1979 Vice President of the Executive Committee of the People's Council of Brașov County. He was also chairman of the district council to control the work of economic and social activities. On December 22, 1983 he also became a member of the Central Council for the control of the work of economic and social activities.

On June 6, 1984 Ioan Ungur became First Secretary of the PCR Committee in Mureş County and at the same time President of the Executive Committee of the People's Council of Mureş County. At the thirteenth party congress of the PCR (November 19-22, 1984) he was again a member of the Central Committee and was a member of this body until the collapse of communism in the course of the Romanian revolution on December 22, 1989. At the same time he became a member of the Grand National Assembly (Marea Adunare Națională) in 1985 and was a member of this as a representative of constituency No. 9 Gurghiu until 1989. During his parliamentary membership he was a member of the Commission for Health, Labor, Social Security and Environment. In June 1988 he was appointed a member of the Commission for Economic Cooperation and International Relations between Party and State at the Central Committee of the PCR and also Vice President of the Council for the Coordination of Foreign Trade and International Economic Cooperation. Most recently, he held the post of Minister for Foreign Trade and International Economic Cooperation in the Dăscălescu II cabinet between June 25, 1988 and December 22, 1989 (Ministrul Comerțului Exterior și Cooperării Economice Internaționale) .

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