Irmgard von Braunshorn

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Irmgard von Braunshorn (* around 1215, † 1277 ) from the von Braunshorn family was heir to the Hunsrück knight Arnold von Braunshorn-Stahleck, who is mentioned in a document from 1211 to 1239.

Before 1235 she married Philip II, Herr von Wildenburg . Her father withdrew (before) 1235 to the Cistercian monastery Himmerod in the Eifel and put his daughter and his son-in-law in the rights of his property. With these Hunsrück estates , the Wildenberger property almost doubled . The Maria Engelport monastery was later endowed with a large part of this inheritance . It can therefore be assumed that Engelport would not have been established for the second time in 1262 without Irmgard von Braunshorn.

Her relatives and their heirs (von Winneburg and Beilstein ) remained loyal to Engelport Monastery, which many of them had chosen as their burial place, for centuries and generously made donations.


  • Johannes Mötsch : Regests of the archive of the Winneburg-Beilstein rule in the total archive of the Princes of Metternich in the State Central Archive in Prague. Documents up to 1400 , Koblenz 1989.
  • Norbert J. Pies: Maria Engelport Monastery. Burial place of noble families. Erftstadt-Lechenich 1997. ISBN 3-927049-16-6
  • Manfred Konrads: The history of the rule Wildenburg in the Eifel , Euskirchen, 2001. ISBN 3-935221-08-8
  • Pies, NJ: The Engelports Foundation: Motives and Backgrounds. In: Yearbook 2009 for the Cochem-Zell district, pp. 35–41.
  • Norbert J. Pies: v. Braunshorn, Irmgard. Short biography in: Alfons Friderichs (Ed.): Personalities of the Cochem-Zell district. Kliomedia. Trier 2004 p. 58. ISBN 3-89890-084-3

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