Irrational rotational algebra

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The irrational rotational algebras are considered in the mathematical sub-area of functional analysis. It is a class of C * -algebras that result from the C * -algebra of continuous , complex-valued functions on the unit circle together with a rotation of this unit circle by an irrational angle.


V rotates the domain of functions

The following is a firmly chosen irrational number. Consider the - Hilbert space of square integrable functions , where as usual the circle group is identified by means of the unit circle , and then the two unitary operators and defined as follows :

, in which


is a multiplication operator and rotates a function by the angle .

The C * -algebra generated by and is therefore called the irrational rotation algebra to the angle and is denoted by.


  • It is easy to confirm that it is indeed
  • The irrational rotation algebra has the following universal property that characterizes it up to isomorphism: If a C * -algebra is generated by two unitary operators and that satisfy the relation , then there is exactly one * -isomorphism with and .
  • is simple, that is, the algebra does not contain any two-sided * ideals other than and itself.
  • There is a clear trace , that is, there is exactly one linear functional with for all , for all and , where the one element is in .
  • The group of invertible elements is close to .
  • The irrational rotational algebras are nuclear .

Alternative construction

Here an alternative construction of the irrational rotational algebra on the sequence space with the orthonormal basis is presented. Define the unitary operators by:

( two-sided shift ),

(infinite diagonal matrix ).

Then one easily confirms what follows. Because of the universal property of the irrational rotational algebra mentioned above, one obtains from it .

K theory

After a set of Marc Rieffel , for every projection with , with the unique track on was.

Since there is an imperforate, scaled, commutative group with Riesz's decomposition property (for these terms see Ordered Abelian Group ), there is exactly one AF-C * algebra according to the Effros-Handelman-Shen theorem, apart from isomorphism , which this group as K 0 group , and it stands to reason that the C * -algebra , which is not itself an AF-C * -algebra, is associated with. Indeed, M. Pimsner and D. Voiculescu were able to construct an embedding . From this it follows first and then:

  • Two irrational rotation algebras and are isomorphic if and only if is.

Cross product

The irrational rotational algebra is the prototype of the cross product of a C * -dynamic system . Is by defined, and is , it is a C * -Dynamic system and it is .

Individual evidence

  1. I. Putnam: The invertibles are dense in the irrational rotation C * -algebras , J. Pure Applied Mathematics, Volume 140 (1990), pages 160-166
  2. ^ MA Rieffel: C * -algebras associated with irrational rotations , Pacific J. Math., Volume 93 (1981), pages 415-429
  3. M. Pimsner, D. Voiculescu: imbedding the irrational rotation algebra into at AF algebra , Journal of Operator Theory, Volume 4 (1980), pages 93-118

KR Davidson: C * -Algebras by Example , American Mathematical Society (1996), ISBN 0-821-80599-1 :

  1. Chapter VI: Irrational Rotation Algebra
  2. Theorem VI.1.4
  3. Sentence VI.1.3
  4. Corollary VI.5.3
  5. Example VIII.1.1