Isaac Elchanan

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Isaak Elchanan († 1585 ) is one of the ancestors of the Rothschild family and the Rothschild family is named after his construction work.

Around 1567 he built the house at the Roten Schild in the Judengasse 69 in Judengasse in Frankfurt am Main . His grandson and his descendants took this name as their family name and kept it when they moved to the rear building at the Pfanne (Judengasse 188) in 1664 . The houses in Frankfurt's Judengasse very often had colorful, pictorial names. Many of the families living in the Frankfurt Jewish ghetto derived their last name from the name of the house.

Very little is known about Isaac Elchanan. Above all, a tax register has survived, after its assets in 1558 amounted to 2,700 guilders.


Individual evidence

  1. Elon, pp. 44-45.