Isabel Henríquez

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Isabel Henríquez , also Isabella Enríquez (* around 1610 in Spain or Portugal , † between 1680 and 1683 in Amsterdam ), was a Sephardic poet from a Marran family.


Isabella Enríquez was born on the Iberian Peninsula around 1610 . Until about 1634 she frequented the literary circles of Madrid and, according to Miguel de Barrios, enjoyed great prestige at the local academies ( celebre en las Academias de Madrid por su raro ingenio ). Books have been dedicated to her by various poets. Isaak Cardoso dedicated his hymn of praise to green color ( Panegyrico y excelencias del color verde , Madrid 1634/35) and Miguel de Silveira his Partenope Ovante to her . She left Spain around 1636 to avoid increasing pressure from the Inquisition . She moved to Amsterdam and there openly returned to Judaism .

In Amsterdam she made the acquaintance of Miguel de Barrios, who dedicated two poems to her. He included her in his Relación de los poetas and quoted a Décima from her. Like the poet Isabella Correa , who also came from Portugal, she was a member of the Academia de los Sitibundos . Isabel Henríquez died in Amsterdam between 1680 and 1683.


  • Miguel de Barrios: Relación de los poetas y escritores españoles de la nación judáica amstelodana . Amsterdam 1683.
  • Meyer Kayserling : Sephardim. Romanesque poetry of the Jews in Spain . Leipzig 1859. pp. 250f.
  • Meyer Kayserling: The Jewish Women in History, Literature and Art . Leipzig 1879. pp. 173f.
  • Fernando Díaz Esteban: La poetisa entre los literatos. El ejemplo de Isabel Henríquez entre los judaizantes del siglo XVII . In: M. Bosse [ed.]: La creatividad feminina en el mundo barroco hispánico . Kassel 1999. pp. 419-438. on-line

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