
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Basic data
county Isiolo County
Residents 28,854 pop.
height 1145  m
Telephone code 064
Coordinates 0 ° 21 ′  N , 37 ° 35 ′  E Coordinates: 0 ° 21 ′  N , 37 ° 35 ′  E
Isiolo (Kenya)

Isiolo is a city of about 29,000 people in Isiolo County , Kenya , of which it is the capital. The city is located directly on the A2, south of the Samburu National Reserve .


In addition to various shops, Isiolo has a cattle and vegetable market, banks, several hotels and restaurants, a hospital, a petrol station and a post office. From the bus station there is a bus to Nairobi twice a day .

There are several schools in Isiolo, two elementary schools and one secondary school for girls are run by the Roman Catholic Church .


Isiolo has both a mosque and a Catholic church. The church belongs to the Apostolic Vicariate of Isiolo and hit the headlines in 2005 when the Apostolic Vicar of Isiolo, Luigi Locati , was shot dead in the street.

Web links

  • Isiolo data from Falling Rain Genomics

Individual evidence

  1. a b Homepage of the Catholic Church in Kenya ( memento of August 13, 2006 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on December 5, 2009