Islamic Society of Engineers

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The Islamic Society of Engineers ( Persian جامعه اسلامی مهندسین; Jame'e-ye Eslaami-e Mohandesin , JEM for short, in English: Islamic Society of Engineers , ISE) is a political organization founded in 1988 that belongs to the conservative alliance of the traditionalist right in the Iranian parliament, the Majles .


The society was founded at the end of the Iran-Iraq war with the aim of "increasing the Islamic, political, scientific and technical knowledge of the Muslim people in Iran" and to continue the "campaign against foreign cultural agents from East and West".

Well-known members of the society are Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , the sixth president of Iran , Mohammed Reza Bahonar , general secretary of the society and the first vice-president of the Majles and Morteza Nabavi , deputy general secretary of the society and member of the Iranian arbitration council .

Although the later election winner Ahmadinejad is a member of the Society of Engineers, he was initially not supported in the Iranian presidential elections in 2005 because they put Ali Larijani as their candidate. After Larijani received around 6%, while Ahmadinejad went into the runoff election against Akbar Hāschemi Rafsanjāni with around 19% , the latter supported the later president.

See also

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