Isolde Richter

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Isolde Richter (born February 17, 1949 in Oberaula ) is a German alternative practitioner, specialist book author and founder of the alternative practitioner and therapist school in Kenzingen named after her . In 2009 she was awarded the Clemens von Bönninghausen Medal by the BDH (Bund Deutscher Heilpraktiker) for her life's work .


After graduating from high school, Isolde Richter studied pedagogy, social science and psychology in Mannheim and Heidelberg. In March 1985 she passed the medical exam to become a naturopath. After the practice was established, learning groups developed into training groups. Due to the large number of students, she founded the "Isolde Richter Heilpraktikerschule" in Kenzingen in 1987, which over the years has been expanded into a non-medical practitioner and therapist school. Both during her studies and in the early years of school, she discovered that there were no specialist books available in bookstores that addressed alternative practitioners or aspirants to become alternative practitioners. That is why she published the “Textbook for Alternative Practitioners” in 1990 in Urban & Schwarzenberg Verlag. It was the first - and for a decade the only - specialist book that specifically focused on the training of alternative practitioners. The book became the standard work in the training of alternative practitioners. In 2015 the 9th edition was published by Urban & Fischer / Elsevier. Further publications of specialist books for alternative practitioners followed. Today Isolde Richter works as headmistress and author.

Richter is married, has two children and lives in the Black Forest.


  • Isolde Richter: Textbook for alternative practitioners: Medical and legal principles . 9th edition. Munich 2015, ISBN 978-3-437-55696-8 .
  • Isolde Richter: Atlas for alternative practitioners. Anatomy - Physiology - Diseases . 5th edition. Urban - & - Fischer-Verlag, Munich 2016, ISBN 978-3-437-55875-7 .
  • Isolde Richter: Examination training for alternative practitioners 2000 exam questions for the textbook for alternative practitioners . 9th edition. Urban - & - Fischer-Verlag, Munich 2016, ISBN 978-3-437-55887-0 .
  • Isolde Richter, Ellen Feltgen: Therapeutic method of the alternative practitioner . Aescura published by Urban & Schwarzenberg, Munich 1998, ISBN 3-541-50501-X .


In 2009 Isolde Richter received the Clemens von Bönninghausen Medal from the professional association BDH (Bund Deutscher Heilpraktiker) for “merits in the training of alternative practitioners and the first textbooks on it”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bund Deutscher Heilpraktiker (Ed.): Clemens von Bönninghausen Medal . ( [accessed December 8, 2017]).
  2. Textbook for alternative practitioners. Medical and legal basics . Urban & Schwarzenberg, Munich 1990, ISBN 3-541-13161-6 .
  3. Bund Deutscher Heilpraktiker (Ed.): Clemens von Bönninghausen Medal . ( [accessed December 8, 2017]).