Israeli Transverse Mercator

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Israeli Transverse Mercator - ITM

Israeli Transverse Mercator (Hebrew: רשת ישראל החדשה Reshet Yisrael Hadascha) is the New Geographical Coordinate System for Israel . The name takes into account the fact that the ITM is based on a version of the Transverse Mercator projection optimized for Israel . ITM replaces the old Israeli coordinate system ICS . However, this system still partially forms the basis for the "New Israeli Grid". ITM was introduced with effect from January 1, 1994. The central meridian in the new projection runs through Jerusalem as in the old one.


An ITM coordinate generally consists of a pair of six numbers (only digits after the decimal point, which are necessary for very precise information). The first number is always the east and the second the north . The east and north dates are given as meters.

The ITM coordinates for the Western Wall in Jerusalem are:

E 222286 m
N 631556 m

It is possible to convert from the UTM coordinate system to ITM coordinates or vice versa.

See also

Web links

MAPI - Federal Cartographic Office Israel (Hebrew)
Information on ITM - University of Haifa (English)