Ivan Vyskočil (actor, 1946)

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Ivan Vyskočil

Ivan Vyskočil (born May 21, 1946 in Prague ) is a Czech actor who not only plays in films but also plays in theater and appears on radio and television.


Born in Prague, Vyskočil studied at the theater faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague , which he finished in 1968. He received his first engagements in the famous Činoherní klub theater in Prague. After that he also played in the theaters Divadlo Jiřího Wolkera and Divadlo SK Neumanna (today: Divadlo pod Palmovkou). Since 2002 he has been playing in the Metro Theater . Vyskočil starred in almost 80 films and took on about 20 roles on theatrical stages.

Vyskočil is one of the founders of the Herecká asociace actors ' association (Association of Actors, a trade union organization from 1990) and the founder of the Thalia Prize .

Vyskočil was married a total of four times. He was divorced in 2006 from his last wife, the Turkish actress and actress Anife Ismet Hassan from Bulgaria.


  • 1965: Pearls on the seabed (Perličky na dně)
  • 1969: Záhada hlavolamu
  • 1975: The day that changed the world (Sarajevski atentat)
  • 1978: The tailor from Ulm
  • 1981: The dispatch from Usti (Sůl země)
  • 1981: Youth dreams (Studentská balada)
  • 1982/1984: The Flying Ferdinand (Létající Čestmír)
  • 1983/1988: Train of Childhood and Hope (Vlak dětství a naděje)
  • 1986: Famous stories of robbers from around the world (Slavné historky zbojnícké)
  • 1986: Gottwald (Klement Gottwald)
  • 1987: The people of the Great Saddle (Velké sedlo)
  • 1988: Chlapci a chlapi
  • 1988: Dobrodružství kriminalistiky
  • 1991: The Secret of the White Deer (Územi bilých králů)
  • 1994: Muž v pozadí
  • 1997/2000: Zdivočelá země
  • 1988: Na lavici obžalovaných JUSTICE
  • 1999: Hotel Herbich
  • 2001: Šípková Růženka

Web links

Commons : Ivan Vyskočil  - collection of images, videos and audio files