Ivy Litvinov

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Ivy Litwinow b. Ivy Low (Anglicized from Lion) (born June 4, 1889 in London , † April 16, 1977 in England ) was a British writer .


Ivy Low came from a wealthy Jewish family who had fled to England after the unsuccessful uprising in Hungary in 1848 . Her father Walter Lowe became a well-known writer and was friends with HG Wells . Her collection of stories “A Fall of Love” has been translated into German, the epilogue of which contains information on her biography by her biographer John Carswell. In 1916 she married the Russian diplomat and revolutionary Maxim Maximowitsch Litvinow , whom she portrays as Mr. Belkin in the story "A Fall of Love". It was not until 1922 that she followed him to the Soviet Union with their two children . While living there, she wrote little stories that she could smuggle out of the country and post on the Manchester Guardian 's women's page . They also wrote an in Moscow playing detective story .

Maxim Litvinov was sent to the United States as a special envoy in 1942 and Ivy Litvinov accompanied him. When Soviet-American relations deteriorated again, the Litvinovs had to return to the Soviet Union and fell out of favor. Widowed in 1952, Ivy Litvinov began translating and probably wrote the stories for her short story set in the Soviet Union during the Khrushchev era. At the age of 70, she received the permit that allowed her to visit her home country, England . There she was able to make connections that made further publications possible.

Her grandson Pavel Litvinov became involved in the opposition that formed in 1968 and was arrested in the course of suppressive measures. In 1971 she managed to travel to England again, where she stayed until the end of her life. She died there in 1977 at the age of 88. Her notes, which she brought back from the Soviet Union, are in the Hoover Institute at Stanford University in Stanford , California .

Her texts published in America are published under the name Litvinoff.

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Literature by and about Ivy Litwinow in the bibliographic database WorldCat