Ivan Yuryevich Tymoshenko

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Ivan Yuryevich Tymoshenko (born February 10 . Jul / 22 February 1863 greg. In Odessa ; † 30th August 1939 ) was a Ukrainian-Soviet historian of mathematics.

Tymoshenko graduated from the Odessa State University in 1885 with a degree in mathematics and physics (Neurussian University, today Odessa State I. I. Metschnikow University). From 1888 he held mathematics lectures there. He received his doctorate in 1899 and was appointed professor in 1914. In the October Revolution he was rector of the Polytechnic in Odessa until 1921, in 1930 director of the Odessa branch of the Mathematical Institute in Kharkiv and in 1933 the dean of mathematics and physics of the University of Odessa.

He is best known for his book History of the Theory of Analytical Functions of 1899, of which only the first volume appeared, which extends to Cauchy's 1825 treatise Memoire sur les integrales definies prises entre des limites imaginaires . With the work (previously published in the treatises of the New Russian Society of Natural Scientists) he also received his doctorate in Odessa in the same year. Tymoshenko also presented a lot of unpublished archive material in the book.

Tymoshenko was involved with other leading mathematical historians at the time in the new edition of Moritz Cantor's history of mathematics and translated Florian Cajori's history of elementary mathematics into Russian in 1917.


  • Joseph Warren Dauben and Christoph J. Scriba (editors): Writing the history of Mathematics. Birkhäuser 2002, pp. 541–542 ( digitized version )