Jörg Feldhusen

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Jörg Feldhusen (* 1956 ) is a German mechanical engineer and full-time dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University .


Feldhusen studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Berlin from 1977 to 1984 , chose to specialize in construction technology and then worked for five years at Wolfgang Beitz 's institute for machine construction / construction technology, where he also received his doctorate . From 1989 to 1994 Feldhusen worked for AEG-Westinghouse Transportation Systems (today: Bombardier Transportation ) in Berlin. He then moved to Siemens Transportation Systems (today: Rail Systems ), where he was responsible, among other things, for the development of the Siemens Combino .

In 1999 Feldhusen was offered a position at RWTH Aachen University, where he headed the Institute for General Construction Technology (ikt) from 2000 to 2016. Since then he has been active in the institute's main areas of innovation management , design management, material combinations and product lifecycle management . He also supervises various courses in mechanical engineering , construction and industrial design courses. Since February 2016 he has been dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University.

Feldhusen was chairman of the advisory board of the Association of German Engineers and is the recipient of the VDI ring of honor in gold.


Since the 21st edition in 2006, Feldhusen has been editor of Dubbel together with Karl-Heinrich Grote . Feldhusen is also the editor or co-author of other engineering textbooks such as Pahl / Beitz construction theory and construction elements of mechanical engineering .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Data on the 21st edition of the Dubbel in the catalog of the German National Library .
  2. Current publications. Website of the Chair and Institute for General Design Technology in Mechanical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University, accessed on February 22, 2015.