Jørgen Matthias Christian Schiødte

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Jørgen Matthias Christian Schiødte (1903)

Jørgen Matthias Christian Schiødte (born April 20, 1815 in Copenhagen , † April 22, 1884 ibid) was a Danish zoologist and professor at the University of Copenhagen .


Schiødte, the son of a captain, studied medicine in Copenhagen, but had to give up for financial reasons. He dealt with entomology and got to know Jonas Collins, who made his first publication possible in 1841, a large monograph on beetles. This earned him a reputation as an entomologist and he was employed at the Zoological Museum. When Japetus Steenstrup became professor of zoology in Copenhagen in 1845 and his superior as director of the museum in 1848, tensions arose because Schiødte considered him and his working methods to be unsuitable and said the older, honored zoologist Henrik Nikolai Krøyer (1799-1870) was been ignored. A long-standing dispute broke out which divided the Danish zoologists. In the end, in 1849, Steenstrup succeeded in withdrawing state support for Krøyer's Naturhistorisk Tidskrift . It was only able to appear again in 1861 - mainly at the instigation of Schiødte - and he was its editor after Krøyer's death. In 1863 Schiødte became professor of zoology at the agricultural college. He was also able to prevail against Steenstrup at the Zoological Museum and, like him, became an inspector with his own department.

In the middle of the 1840s he collected numerous soil insects in southern Europe, which he separated from the soil with a sieve. During the trip he also pioneered the zoological description of the special adaptation of cave fauna in the Postojna Caves . On the basis of these investigations he was also cited in Charles Darwin's Origin of Species (1859, p. 138). In 1849 he described with Liphistius desultor the first species of the limb spiders (Mesothelae), which are considered to be primitive . He also dealt with crustaceans. In 1847 he first described cave shrimp .

In 1860 he became a knight of the Danebro Order. He was a member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences.


  • Genera and species af Danmarks Eleuthera, 1841
  • De metamorphosi Eleutheratorum observationes, Naturhistorisk Tidskrift
  • Ichneumonidarum ad faunam Daniæ pertinentium genera et species novæ, Paris 1861 to 1872, Biodiversity Library
  • Specimen faunæ subterraneæ, 1849,
  • Corotoca og Spirachtha, 1856,
  • Krebsdyrenes Sugemund, 1866 to 1875

Web links

Commons : Jørgen Matthias Christian Schiødte  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

References and comments

  1. ^ Leslie Brunetta, Catherine Craig, Spider Silk , Yale University Press 2010