Jürgen Fenk

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Jürgen Fenk (born February 7, 1966 ) is a German manager and was a. a. Member of the Board of Management of Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen (Helaba). Today he is a member of the SIGNA Group as a member of the Executive Board and board member in several group companies.

Origin and education

Fenk studied economic and organizational psychology and earned a Master of Business Administration at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . He began his career in 1992 as a credit analyst at Bayerische Vereinsbank in Munich.


Jürgen Fenk became Vice President for International Real Estate at Bayerische Vereinsbank in May 1996. In September 1998 he became Senior Credit Officer for Central and Eastern Europe at Hypovereinsbank (HGV) in Munich and in November 1999 he became a member of the Board of Directors for Commercial Real Estate at HBV Real Estate Capital in Paris .

In June 2003 Jürgen Fenk moved to the Board of Directors of Hypo Real Estate Bank in Dublin . From January 2007 he was CEO of Hypo Real Estate Capital Corporation (a subsidiary of Hypo Real Estate Bank International). At the same time he was Chief Executive Officer from April 2006 to 2009 and also Chief Risk Officer of Hypo Real Estate Bank International for two years . He also served as vice chairman of Quadra Realty Trust Inc. in New York City .

After Hypo Real Estate collapsed in the course of the global financial crisis and had to be stabilized with more than 130 billion euros by the German state financial market stabilization fund, Fenk moved in July 2009 as managing director to Helaba in Frankfurt am Main . In September 2010 he moved to Bawag PSK in Vienna, where he was Head of International Real Estate for two years. In October 2010, Fenk returned to Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen and became a member of the Management Board. In October 2017, Fenk joined the Austrian Signa Group as a member of the Chief Executive Board . Fenk has been honorary chairman of the Urban Land Institute Germany and a member of the supervisory board of Deutsche Wohnen AG since 2018 .

Individual evidence

  1. MarketScreener: Jürgen Fenk, MBA - Biography. Retrieved August 12, 2019 .
  2. Helaba: Jürgen Fenk, Head of Real Estate, will leave in autumn 2017. Accessed on August 12, 2019 .
  3. Signa extends leadership with Jürgen Fenk. September 19, 2017. Retrieved August 12, 2019 .
  4. https://www.immobilienmanager.de/juergen-fenk-zum-chairman-von-uli-europe-ernannt/150/61701/
  5. https://www.deutsche-wohnen.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Lebenslauf_Juergen_Fenk_de_20180827.pdf