Jürgen Jürgensen (watchmaker)

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Jürgen Jürgensen (born December 24, 1745 in Copenhagen ; † 1811 there ) was a Danish watchmaker. He became the founder of the Jürgensen watchmaking dynasty.


He was the son of a royal laborer at the court of King Christian VI.

From 1759 to 1765 he did an apprenticeship with Johan Jacob Lincke, a watchmaker with a great reputation. From 1766 to 1772 he undertook a journey through Europe with generous government support. In 1768, after arriving in Le Locle (Geneva), he found work in the factory of JH Houriet. In 1774 he married the wealthy Anne Leth born. Bruun in Copenhagen in 1776 was the birth of his first son Urban Jürgensen , in 1780 that of his second son Jørgen Jürgensen in 1781 he helped found the Larpent & Jürgensen manufacture with the Huguenot Isaak Larpent (* 1711 in Bergen / Norway; † 1788 in Copenhagen) . Here he used his inventions from his time in Le Locle, which helped the brand to gain a lot of attention beyond the country's borders. In 1784 he was appointed royal clockmaker by King Christian VII. He was responsible for all wall and pendulum clocks in the royal palaces, as well as for the clocks of the royal family. In 1787 his third son Frédérik Jürgensen (Fritz) was born. Until 1807, Frédérik learned and worked in the workshop of his brother Urban. In 1788, Jürgen Jürgensen's partner died. He continues the manufacture alone. In 1810 Frédérik Jürgensen opened his own workshop. Jürgen Jürgensen died honored in Copenhagen in 1811. The youngest son Frédérik (* 1787 - † 1845) continued the father's manufacture.

After being appointed court watchmaker, Jürgen Jürgensen was showered with honors. He enjoyed a reputation beyond national borders. In addition to the admirers, Jürgensen also had envious people due to his meteoric life. By spreading various rumors - such as B. the doubt of his parentage - attempts were made to undermine his reputation.

The house of the Jürgensen family in Copenhagen on Ostergade (Stroget) near Kongens Nytorf (3rd house on the right) is still standing today. Rare examples of his watches with the brand "Larpent & Jürgensen" occasionally go on sale.
