Jāna Jēruma-Grīnberga

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Jāna Jēruma-Grīnberga (born September 12, 1953 in London ) is a British Evangelical Lutheran cleric of Latvian descent and emeritus bishop of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain . She was the first woman ordained a bishop in Great Britain . Since autumn 2014 she has been managing the parish of the Anglican Church of the Redeemer (St. Savior's Church) in Riga .


Jēruma-Grīnberga is a daughter of the Latvian composer Alberts Jērums (1919–1978), who lived as a displaced person in Germany after the Second World War and in London from 1949, and his wife Lauma (1912–1988), b. Grigors, whose father August Grigors (1879–1926) was the first pastor of the Christ Church in Riga. She studied biochemistry at University College London and trained as a nurse . Soon, however, she felt a calling to pastoral service and was studying at Oak Hill Theological College as part of the North Thames Ministerial Training Course . On September 28, 1997, she was ordained pastor of the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad in St Anne and St Agnes , London , and served in the Church's congregations in Great Britain.

Elected Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain at the end of 2008, she took office in January 2009. She was the first woman to become a bishop in Great Britain. This attracted a great deal of attention in connection with the unsuccessful efforts at the time to ordain women bishops in the Church of England .

Jēruma-Grīnberga was a trustee of the Lutheran Council of Great Britain and co-president of Churches Together in England from 2010 to 2014 , together with the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby , Cardinal Vincent Nichols , the Orthodox Archbishop Gregorios Theocharous of Thyateira, pastor Michael Heaney, Free Church Moderator, and Bishop Eric Brown, Pentecostal Representative . From 2009 to 2013 she was co-moderator of the Anglican Lutheran Society along with the Anglican Bishop Rupert Hoare .

Church of the Savior in Riga

After the end of her term as bishop in Great Britain, she went to Latvia and was introduced to her post as priest-in-charge of St. Savior's Church in Riga in October 2014 .

In September 2018, she gave the sermon for the Synod of Bishops in the North Church in Lübeck Cathedral .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jāna Jēruma - Grīnberga , accessed September 25, 2018
  2. a b c Britain’s first woman bishop to take office this weekend The Telegraph of January 14, 2009
  3. ^ Ekklesia - Lutherans give Britain its first woman bishop . December 15, 2015.
  4. Chris Watt: Scot's bid to be bishop fails . The Herald, May 19, 2011.
  6. http://anglicanriga.lv/news/ http://eurobishop.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/st-saviours-riga-welcomes-their-new.html
  7. ^ Regional synod with regional bishop elections and the topic of honorary office , report by the Northern Church from September 20, 2018, accessed on September 25, 2018
  8. sermon by Jana Jeruma-Grinberga on 27 September 2018 Dom zu Lübeck