YES Vesely

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Josef A. Vesely (born December 21, 1901 in Vienna ; † December 23, 1969 there ) was an Austrian film production manager .

Live and act

Vesely was in the late 1920s for the film and was in the following years as a manager involved in numerous German and Austrian productions. In 1936 he was responsible for the first time as production manager. After the end of the war he worked as a production manager or production manager for various film companies. Most recently Vesely worked for German television .


as production manager or production manager


  • Kay Less : The film's great personal dictionary . The actors, directors, cameramen, producers, composers, screenwriters, film architects, outfitters, costume designers, editors, sound engineers, make-up artists and special effects designers of the 20th century. Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-89602-340-3 .

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