Jaanus Tamkivi

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Jaanus Tamkivi (2005)

Jaanus Tamkivi (born November 17, 1959 in Kuressaare ) is an Estonian politician.

Life and politics

Jaanus Tamkivi graduated from high school in Kuressaare in 1978 . He then studied civil engineering at the Polytechnic Institute in Tallinn until 1983 . From 1983 to 1989 he supervised a collective farm on Saaremaa Island .

From 1989 to 1992 Jaanus Tamkivi was Head of the Restoration of Medieval Churches at the Saaremaa State Restoration Agency before moving into the private sector. From 1992 to 1996 he was director of AS Tansar. Then he went into politics. From 1996 to 2005 Tamkivi was Lord Mayor of the City of Kuressaare . From November 2000 to February 2006 he was also President of the Estonian Association of Cities ( Eesti Linnade Liit ).

From 2005 to 2007 Jaanus Tamkivi was a member of the Estonian Parliament ( Riigikogu ). He was initially chairman of the Environment Committee, later chairman of the parliamentary group of the liberal Estonian Reform Party ( Eesti Reformierakond ).

From April 2007 to April 2011 Jaanus Tamkivi was in the cabinet of Prime Minister Andrus Ansip, Estonian Environment Minister. Tamkivi has been a member of the Estonian Parliament again since April 2011.

Private life

Jaanus Tamkivi is married and has three children.

Web links

  • Biography (Estonian State Chancellery)
  • CV (Estonian Parliament)