Jack Hamesh

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Jack Hamesh (* around 1920 as Jakob Fünfer ) was a Jew from Vienna who had a relationship with Ingeborg Bachmann .

Jack Hamesh escaped to England just in time in 1938 on a transport of Jewish children, but his parents and other relatives did not escape the deportation and were murdered in the Holocaust .

In 1945 Hamesh returned to Austria as a member of the British troops, where he asked the young Ingeborg Bachmann about her political past - including with the BDM . He became her first great love because of his well-read and his knowledge of literature, which she reported later in the second part of her war diary . Hamesh had also fallen in love with Bachmann.

He was initially Marxist- oriented, but turned into a Zionist and went to Palestine in the spring of 1946 . From there he wrote Bachmann letters that were published together with the war diary. The last letter from Hamesh is dated July 16, 1947. Although a search message was placed in a German-language Israeli magazine a long time ago, Hamesh neither contacted nor could he be located. A search with the assistance of Douglas E. Goldman from the Jewish Genealogy Center also yielded no results.


  • Hans Höller (ed.), Ingeborg Bachmann. War diary. With letters from Jack Hamesh to Ingeborg Bachmann , Berlin, suhrkamp 2010.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b http://diepresse.com/home/spectrum/literatur/560465/Ich-bin-ganz-rot-geworden
  2. https://www.welt.de/welt_print/kultur/literatur/article7220460/Der-Soldat-und-das-Maedchen.html
  3. a b Diary. In: oe1.orf.at. Retrieved December 2, 2017 .
  4. http://www.dradio.de/dlf/sendung/buechermarkt/1186739/
  5. http://derstandard.at/1271376023457/Ingeborg-Bachmann-Weiterlesen-auch-wenn-die-Bomben-fallen
  6. http://www.faz.net/-gr4-169gu
  7. a b Whatever Happened to Jack Hamesh? The Arty Semite dated June 17, 2008.