Jacob Lorhard

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Jacob Lorhard ( Latin Jacobus Lorhardus ; * 1561 in Münsingen ; † May 19, 1609 ) was a German educator and philosopher . His main field of activity was metaphysics . Already during his lifetime Lorhard became famous far beyond the German-speaking borders - but not much is known about his life.

Study and teaching

Lorhard completed his studies in Tübingen , where he received his doctorate in 1592 with the treatise Disputatio de vera et Aristotelica methodo demonstrandi . There he taught a. a. as a young lecturer also Johannes Kepler , who was around ten years his junior .

The method of diagrammatic representation goes back to him. He was also one of the first to use the term ontology .


  • Disputatio de vera et Aristotelica methodo demonstrandi , dissertation. Tubingae: Gruppenbach, 1595. OCLC 245988900
  • Liber de adeptione veri necessarii seu apodictici ... , Tubingæ, 1597. OCLC 22740196
  • Ogdoas Scholastica, continens Diagraphs Typicam artium: Grammatices (Latinae, Graecae), Logices, Rhetorices, Astronomices, Ethices, Physices, Metaphysices, seu Ontologiae , Sangalli: Apud Georgium Straub, 1606. OCLC 41227134
  • Theatrum philosophicum, continens Grammaticen Latinam, Graecam, et Hebraeam, Logicen, Rhetoricen, Arithmeticen, Geometriam, Musicen, Astronomicen, Ethicen, Physicen, Metaphysicen seu Ontologiam , Basileæ, 1613. OCLC 186897020 (second edition of the 'Ogdoas Scholastica')

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Fuzzy Formal Ontology , (2017): Chapter 20 in Soft Computing in Humanities and Social Sciences Ed. Rudolf Seising / Veronica Sanz González, Springer-Verlag, last accessed December 15, 2017