Jacqueline Bloch

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Jacqueline Bloch is a French experimental solid-state physicist .

Jacqueline Bloch studied at the École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de la ville de Paris (ESPCI) with an engineering diploma in 1992. In 1990 she received her diploma (DEA) in solid-state physics and was awarded her diploma in 1994 at the University of Paris VI (Pierre et Marie Curie) PhD. From 1994 she did research for the CNRS at the L2M (Laboratoire de microstructures et de microélecroniques) in Bagneux , which in 2001 became the LPN (Laboratoire de photonique et nanostructures) and C2N (Center de nanosciences et de nanotechnologies) in Marcoussis . In 1998 she was on a sabbatical at Bell Laboratories .

She deals with nanotechnology and semiconductors and is one of the pioneers in Bose-Einstein condensates with polaritons in traps (another pioneer is David Snoke in the US). She is considered one of the leading physicists in this research area, which was very active in the 2010s.

In 2008 she exhibited in what was then a lively debate first the essential difference of lasers for lasing of polariton condensates after. She developed photonic circuits based on gallium arsenide to control and manipulate polaritone condensates. Her group realized parametric amplifiers in 2006, lasers and diodes as well as bistable switching elements with polaritons in 2008, interferometers in 2014, expansion and amplification of the condensate in one dimension in 2010 and 2012, the effects of a periodic potential on the condensate in 2013 and tunnel diodes with double barriers in 2013. They were also able to investigate a number of nonlinear phenomena such as a nonlinear Josephson effect in 2012 (double cavities as photonic molecules), in 2014 Dirac cones of polaritons in honeycomb lattices and fractals for polaritons in a quasiperiodic lattice (Fibonacci lattice) and in 2015 the influence of Phase frustration in grids. In 2015 she simulated a black hole with polaritons.

She has taught at various engineering schools (ESPCI, ENSTA) and is Chargé de Cours at the École Polytechnique .

In 2015 she received the Prix ​​Jean Ricard , in 2017 the silver medal of the CNRS and in 2019 the Prix ​​Ampère .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. E. Wertz, J. Bloch et al: Spontaneous formation of a polariton condensate in a planar GaAs microcavity, Applied Physics Letters, Volume 95, 2009 p. 051108