Yearbook of the German Archaeological Institute

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The yearbook of the German Archaeological Institute (abbreviated JdI ) is published by the German Archaeological Institute and appears in the Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag (with de Gruyter until 2017 ). The first volume appeared in 1885 under the title Yearbook of the Imperial German Archaeological Institute , which the publication carried until volume 32 in 1917.

Since 1885 ten articles have been published annually in the yearbook. The spectrum of topics ranges from classical, i.e. Greco-Roman archeology to the results of early Byzantine and early Islamic archeology. The Anatolian and Western European early history is also occasionally taken into account.

The articles in the yearbook are available in German, English, French or Italian. The yearbook serves exclusively for the scientific discourse on already known find complexes and does not contain any excavation reports , news or book reviews.

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