Jacob Farshtej

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Jakob Farshtej (born May 10, 1919 , † 1994 ) was an Israeli terrorist.


Jakob Farshtej worked from 1944 as the head of the secret service for the nationalist Jewish organization Irgun Tzwa'i Le'umi von Menachem Begin . He organized bomb attacks in Europe, including the one on the British Embassy in Rome on October 31, 1946. Although the Irgun was disbanded soon after the establishment of the State of Israel, its structures and main actors were not thereby disrupted.

Farshtej was involved in the attempted assassination attempt on Konrad Adenauer in Munich in 1952 and was arrested a few days after the parcel bomb exploded in Paris . As a result, he was expelled from France and moved to Israel.

Farshtej, who at times also called himself Eli or Ely Tavin, was active in public offices for the Cherut party and wrote an academic thesis on the struggle of the Irgun in Europe, to which he owed his doctorate in history. These “memoirs” can be read as a confession that Farshtej was one of the planners of the assassination attempt on Adenauer. Farshtej's works have been published in English with the author's name Ely J. Tavin under the titles Psychological Warfare and Propaganda. Irgun Documentation (1982) and Terrorists or Freedom Fighters (1986).

Individual evidence

  1. When terror was still moral  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . In: Junge Freiheit , September 5, 2003@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.jungefreiheit.de  
  2. Henning Sietz, On behalf of conscience , on: faz.net, June 12, 2006
  3. Sven Felix Kellerhoff : "The deed of a madman". 51 years later, the first study about the failed assassination attempt on Konrad Adenauer appears . In: Die Welt , July 11, 2003