Jakob Heinrich Zernecke

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Jakob Heinrich Zernecke (born November 18, 1672 in Thorn , † October 29, 1741 in Danzig ) was a German mayor of the royal Prussian city republic of Thorn and a chronicler.

Jakob Heinrich Zernecke (1672–1741) on an engraving in his Thorner Chronik, which was published in its second edition in 1727


Zernecke had been mayor of the city republic of Thorn. During his lifetime, the city-republic belonged to the autonomous Prussian Royal Share , which two centuries earlier had voluntarily submitted to the Crown of Poland in personal union. He is the author of various chronicles about the city of Thorn.

In 1724 he was sentenced to death for refusing to give up his Protestant faith and convert to Catholicism to the Polish authorities . He was supposed to be beheaded because of this and almost became a victim of the Thorner blood court , but was then pardoned. One of his closest employees in the city administration, the city president Johannes Gottfried Roesner , also a Protestant, who was also accused, was beheaded. Zernecke then settled in Danzig .

Works (selection)

  • The fouled Thorn or summary extract of the Pestilentz epidemics with which, according to God's will, the city of Thorn has been afflicted from the beginning of its edification to the present day . Thorn 1710 ( e-copy ).
  • Historia Thorniensis naufragae tabulae or core of the Thornische Chronicke, from the 1231st to the 1711th year, for edifying science and good use from proven scribbles and credible documents . Thorn 1711 ( e-copy ).
  • Thorn was at war in the Swedish wars or ... narration of what happened in this city in 1629, 1655, 1658 and 1703 ..., including a ... appendix to the Thornic Chronicle . Thorn 1712.
  • Summarized draft of the honored and learned Thorns . Thorn 1712 ( e-copy ).
  • Thornische Chronica in which the history of this city from 1221 to 1726 has been compiled from armed scribbles and credible documents . 2nd edition, Berlin 1727 ( e-copy ).


  • Zernecke, Jacob Heinrich (encyclopedia entry). In: Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts . Volume 61, Leipzig and Halle 1749, column 1657–1670 ( e-copy )
  • Jakób Henryk Zernecke . In: Tygodnik illustrowany , March 11, 1865. ( digitized version )