Jakob Nill

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Jakob Nill (* 16th February 1875 in Bodelshausen ; † 16th January 1960 ibid; actually: Johann Jakob Nill ) was a German politician of the SPD .



At the age of 11 in 1886, Jakob and his family emigrated to the United States . Jacob's father Johann Michael Nill wanted to prevent his sons from becoming soldiers. However, the mother and sons Bernhard and Jakob returned to Germany disappointed after only six months. The father and brother Konrad also returned later.


After graduating from elementary school in 1889, he was unable to attend grammar school due to the high school fees. He learned the trade of a carpenter.


At the age of 18, he joined the woodworkers' association in 1893. Only two years later in 1895 he founded the local SPD association, of which he became chairman. In 1906 he ran unsuccessfully for the Reichstag by-election in Hohenzollern .

In 1908 he was elected for the first time to the municipal council of Bodelshausen , of which he was a member until 1933. He was deputy mayor of the municipality from 1922 to 1933. He was also a member of the district council from 1920 to 1932.

In the state elections on January 12, 1919, he was elected to the state constitutional assembly , of which he was a member until September 16, 1919. From 1922 to 1923 he was a member of the district council. After the end of the Second World War, local councils were installed in the Tübingen district on December 14, 1945 with the consent of the French district governor. Among them was Jakob Nill, who took over the mayor's business for Bodelshausen.

On his 80th birthday on February 16, 1955, Jakob Nill was made an honorary citizen of Bodelshausen. In addition, on the same day he received the Cross of Merit on the ribbon of the Federal Order of Merit in recognition of the services Jakob Nill had made to his homeland after the Second World War.

See also


  • Ulrich Mehlhose u. a .: Bodelshausen through the ages; Volume I; Jakob Nill: The "head of fire" from Bodelshausen. GHS Bodelshausen, Hechingen.
  • Frank Raberg : Biographical handbook of the Württemberg state parliament members 1815-1933 . On behalf of the Commission for Historical Regional Studies in Baden-Württemberg. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-17-016604-2 , p. 616 .

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