Jakob Zibol

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Jakob Zibol (* before 1348 ; † March 3, 1414 in Basel ) was a Swiss businessman, politician and founder of the St. Margarethental Monastery .

Jakob Zibol (also Ziboll), son of a merchant, increased his father's inheritance through loan and pawn shops, which enabled him on the one hand to buy up various sovereign rights in the Basel region and on the other to found a charterhouse in Kleinbasel in 1401 .

In his hometown he held important offices, first sat as a representative of the guild for the key , then as a eight-burger in the council, was several times chief guild master between 1375 and 1402 and mayor in 1388. He was also entrusted with embassies to the Upper Rhine and into the Reich. His career ended abruptly in the Austro-Basle War of 1409, when Zibol was imprisoned for treason, relieved of his office and fined an enormous 12,000 guilders.

Individual evidence

  1. EA Stückelberg: Zibollds dead plate. Retrieved May 17, 2020 .

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