Jakob ben Reuben (rabbi)

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Jakob ben Reuben was a Spanish - Jewish author and rabbi of the 12th century.

Before 1200 he wrote the book milchamot ha-shem , also milchamot adonaj ("Wars of God") in southern France or Spain , the first anti-Christian pamphlet based on a thorough knowledge of Christian theology, which is based on approaches to rational criticism of dogmas and NT -Content distinguishes itself , but also through blunt polemical swipes.

The work is laid out as a dialogue between the “confessor” and the “denier of unity (God)” and deals in twelve chapters with the Trinity , the virgin birth , the incarnation , the fulfillment of the Torah through Jesus , allegedly incorrect christological interpretations of scripture and the value of evidence for the pending arrival of the Messiah .


  • Sefer Milchamot ha-Shem , ed. by Jehuda Rosenthal. Jerusalem 1963.


  • Angel Sáenz-Badillos; Judit Targarona Borrás: Diccionario de autores judios (Sefarad. Siglos X-XV). Estudios de Cultura Hebrea 10. Córdoba 1988, p. 122.