Jalid Sehouli

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Jalid Sehouli

Jalid Sehouli (born April 19, 1968 in Berlin ) is a German gynecologist and oncologist specializing in ovarian, peritoneum and fallopian tube cancer as well as a university professor and writer.

Live and act

Jalid Sehouli is the child of Moroccan parents who fled Morocco to Germany for political reasons in the 1960s and were illiterate. Sehouli grew up in the Berlin workers' district of Wedding. After starting his training as a nurse, he received a place to study human medicine at the Free University of Berlin , where he studied from 1989 to 1995.

In 1998 he received his doctorate with a dissertation on the postoperative use of unconventional cancer therapies (UKT) in gynecological oncology. In 2002 he became a specialist in gynecology and obstetrics. In 2005 he completed his habilitation at the Humboldt University in Berlin on the subject of "Multimodal Management of Malignant Ovarian Tumors".

In 2005 he received the license to teach gynecology and obstetrics. In 2007 he accepted the call to the W2 professorship for gynecology at the Berlin Charité . In 2014 he accepted the call to the W3 professorship for gynecology for life at the Charité and has since been Director of the Clinic for Gynecology and full professor at the Charité.

Sehouli's specialty is experimental-operative gynecology and oncosurgery as well as doctor-patient communication (breaking bad news). Sehouli is co-editor of various specialist journals and author (first, senior and co-author) of several hundred articles in national and international journals on all aspects of gynecology and the focus on diagnosis, therapy and aftercare of cancer in women (gynecological oncology). He was and is study director of various national and international phase I, II, III studies on targeted therapies. He is also the editor and author of numerous academic books and book chapters.

He has been a board member of the North-East German Society for Gynecological Oncology (NOGGO eV) since it was founded (1998), was chairman of the Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology in Berlin from 2015 to 2016 and is currently the spokesman for the Ovar Organ Commission of the Gynecological Oncology Working Group (AGO) and active member of various national and international professional societies and bodies.

In 2015 he received the Roma Focus Award for his services in cancer medicine for women, and in 2016 he was presented by the Moroccan King Mohammed VI. a medal for his scientific achievements, in 2017 he won the Diwan Award in Germany.

His first literary work appeared in 2012 with the book Marrakech . In his second work And from Tanger the boats go to somewhere (2016) he makes Tangier, the hometown of his parents, the starting point for philosophical and autobiographical considerations that also include his life in Berlin. His 2018 book The Art of Delivering Bad News Well deals with difficult aspects of doctor-patient communication.

The Medical and Pharmaceutical University Iuliu Hațieganu awarded Jalid Sehouli an honorary doctorate (doctor honoris causa) on June 20, 2019 for his diverse international scientific and clinical activities.

Sehouli is married and has four children.

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  • Jalid Sehouli et al. (Ed.): Dealing with oncological studies in everyday clinical practice. A handbook for doctors. Akademos, Hamburg 2002; 3rd edition: Jalid Sehouli (Ed.): Handbuch Klinische Studien. A guide for doctors and study staff. Akademos, Hamburg 2014.
  • Jalid Sehouli, Werner Lichtenegger: Ovarian cancer. Advice for patients and relatives. Hamburg 2004.
  • Jalid Sehouli, Werner Lichtenegger (ed.): Modern therapies in gynecological oncology. Hamburg 2014.
  • Marrakech. Akademos, Hamburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-86748-014-7 . New edition: be.bra, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-86124-713-5 .
  • And from Tangier the boats go to somewhere. be.bra, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-86124-700-5 .
  • On the art of delivering bad news well , Kösel Verlag; ISBN 978-3-466-34702-5
  • With writing on new life force , Kösel Verlag; ISBN 978-3-466-34725-4 .

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