Jan Keuchel

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Jan Keuchel (* 1965 in Essen ) is a German journalist and lawyer. He has been a member of the Handelsblatt investigative team since 2012 . He has received several journalism awards for his work.

life and career

Keuchel was born as the third of four children in Essen-Kray and grew up in the Lower Rhine region. From 1984 to 1991 he studied law, first in Marburg and later in Cologne. After the first state examination, he completed his legal clerkship in the cathedral city. There he settled down as a lawyer in 1995 after passing his second exam. At the same time he began working as an editor for the legal journal MDR ( monthly for German law ) published by Dr. Otto Schmidt, whose co-editor he became a few years later.

In November 1999 Keuchel moved to the Düsseldorf business and financial newspaper Handelsblatt. There he initially worked as a policy editor, with a focus on tax policy. From 2003 he was employed as a reporter for the Handelsblatt, in 2010 he went to Tokyo as a foreign correspondent for the newspaper , where he reported, among other things, on the severe earthquake of March 11, 2011 , the resulting tsunami and the destruction of the nuclear power plant near Fukushima . Concerned about the health of his young family because of the radioactive cesium and strontium that had fallen in Tokyo, he returned to Germany early in 2011.

At the beginning of 2012 Keuchel started in Düsseldorf in the newly formed investigative team of the Handelsblatt. Revelations such as the legal scandal in Bavaria, known as the " Schottdorf Affair " , can be traced back to his research . Keuchel also uncovered the background to a million dollar deal between the energy company EnBW and the Russian lobbyist Andrej Bykov and interviewed Bykov. He also published on questionable collaborations between doctors and the pharmaceutical industry. Among other things, he produced several films on this topic for Westdeutscher Rundfunk, such as a "story" entitled "Dangerous Heart Drugs - How Risks Are Concealed."

Keuchel wrote articles on the " Diesel Affair ", the global economic scandal involving manipulated emissions tests by German car manufacturers. For this he received two journalism awards and several nominations. Keuchel got to know the difficult sides of his job in 2015, among other things. When he and his colleague Sönke Iwersen reported on the insider trading of financial investor Peter Löw , he tried to arrest the journalists. Löw's attempt ultimately failed after months in court.

Keuchel now lives near Düsseldorf, where he also works as a lawyer. He is married and has one son.


  • 2015: Guardian Prize of the German daily press (together with Sönke Iwersen) for the disclosure of the so-called "Schottdorf Affair"
  • 2019: Wächterpreis of the German daily press (together with a team of authors) for comprehensive coverage of the Diesel affair
  • 2019: Friedrich Vogel Prize in the Print category (together with René Bender, Sönke Iwersen and Volker Votsmeier) for the contribution “When control fails” on the failure of compliance in the VW Group

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.handelsblatt.com/arts_und_style/aus-aller-welt/70-jahre-handelsblatt/mein-handelsblatt-8-der-erzwe-haben-aus-japan/13579126.html
  2. a b https://www.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/it-medien/labor-affaere-handelsblatt-mit-waechterpreis-ausgeiziert/11685852.html/
  3. https://www.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/industrie/interview-andrey-bykov-enbw-wird-sich-bis-auf-die-knochen-blamieren/6739100.html
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ret0xlO2RKY
  5. https://meedia.de/2015/05/05/ex-dapd-chef-peter-loew-will-handelsblatt-redakteure-ins-gefaengnis-haben/
  6. https://www.anstageslicht.de/themen/wirtschaftsskandal-umweltskandal/der-vw-abgasskandal-eine-recherchereihe/das-diesel-team-des-handelsblattes-im-portraet/
  7. http://www.vogelstiftung.de/presse