Jan Roháč z Dubé

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Jan Roháč z Dubé

Jan Roháč z Dubé (also: Johann Roháč von Dauba ; † September 9, 1437 in Prague ) was a Bohemian Hussite captain.


Jan came from the impoverished Bohemian family of the Lords of Dauba . During the Hussite Wars he fought on the side of the Hussite leader Jan Žižka , with whom he was related by marriage, since his brother Andreas was married to Žižka's daughter.

In 1420 Jan was appointed captain of the Taborites in Lomnitz and in 1421 one of the four administrators of the city of Tábor . After Žižka's death, he sided with the radical Hussite movement of orphans and in 1427 was promoted to captain in Chaslau .

At this time he probably started building his Sion Castle . Until the Battle of Lipan there were no further written reports from him. In this devastating battle for the Hussites , he was captured, but released again at the intercession of some high nobles. Then he fought with the remains of the radical wing of the orphans against the Bohemian King Sigismund . His castle was besieged by the royal army for four months and captured on September 6, 1437. Jan was captured and hung with his 53 fellow combatants three days later in Prague in the Old Town Square .

According to František Palacký , on September 8, when Jan was brought before the emperor, Jan is said to have shouted loudly that his eyesight was being taken away so that he would not have to look at this hideous autocrat. Thereupon he and his companions were taken to the old town hall and tortured. At the time of execution, the tallest gallows with a gold chain was chosen for him, befitting his rank. The condemned man was dressed in an aristocratic robe with a gold belt.


The life of Jan Rohác z Dube was filmed in 1947 by the Czech director Vladimír Borský with Otomar Korbelár in the leading role. In Austria the film received the title Der Kampf um Dube .


  • František Palacký: Dějiny národa českého

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