Jarawa (language)

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Spoken in

Eastern Nigeria , in Bauchi
speaker 150,000


Language codes
ISO 639-3


Jarawa (also known as Jar , Jara , Jaranchi and Jarawan Kogi ) is a Semibantu language in Nigeria , i.e. a bantoid language that is not one of the Bantu languages .

She is the representative of the Jarawoiden languages with the most speakers in Eastern Nigeria. The dialects of the language are Bankal (Bankala, Baranci or Zhar), Ligri, Kanam, Bobar and Gingwak (Gwak, Jarawan Bununu or Jaracin Kasa).

The language has no official status in Nigeria and is therefore not actively promoted by the state, which means that the language is being replaced by the country's only official language, English , since the British colonial era .
