Java Agent Development Framework

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Paradigms : Agent-oriented programming
Current  version : 4.5.0   (June 8, 2017)
Operating system : Windows , Linux , Mac OS X , Solaris
License : GNU Lesser General Public License

JADE ( J ava A gent De velopment Framework) is an open source middleware for running agents -based peer-to-peer applications. The framework is written in Java and is being developed by the University of Parma .

JADE follows the FIPA standard ( Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents ) and is compatible with the J2ME mobile Java environment - CLDC MIDP 1.0. This means that the framework can run on a wide variety of platforms and especially on mobile devices.

In addition to the framework for executing the agents, JADE has graphical tools for debugging and deploying agents, as well as a remote application for configuration . JADE agents can change the configurations at runtime and even move them to another machine.

JADE is marketed by Telecom Italia under the LGPL .

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