Jean Coralli

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Jean Coralli

Jean Coralli Peracini (born January 15, 1779 in Paris , † May 1, 1854 ibid) was a French dancer and ballet master of Italian origin.

Coralli studied at the Paris Opera Ballet School and made his debut as a dancer here in 1802. He then worked as a dancer and choreographer in Vienna, Milan, Lisbon and Marseille. From 1825 he was ballet master at the Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin , from 1831 to 1848 at the Paris Opera.

He worked as a choreographer with dancers like Fanny Elssler and Carlotta Grisi . In 1841 Grisi danced the title role in the world premiere of Adolphe Adam's ballet Giselle , choreographed by Coralli and Jules Perrot . Furthermore Coralli u. a. the ballets La Tempête (1834), Le Diable Boiteux (1836), La Tarentule (1839) and La Péri (1843).

Coralli was married to a solo dancer of the Vienna Kärntnertortheater . Her son Eugène Coralli took lessons from his father and became known as a dancer and actor.