Jens Lattmann

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Jens Lattmann.

Jens Lattmann (born June 27, 1954 ) is a German politician of the SPD and was a political official from March 24, 2011 until his retirement in November 2017, a state councilor in the tax authorities in Hamburg .

Jens Lattmann is a lawyer and joined the Hamburg administration in 1983. He has held various positions since then. Among other things, from 1988 to 1992 he was the personal assistant or office manager of the president of the tax authorities. Jens Lattmann was finance advisor from 1992 to 1995 and represented Hamburg in the finance committee of the Federal Council at working level. From 1996 he was an advisor to the First Mayor as chairman of the mediation committee on questions of financial policy and from January 2000 an alderman of the German Association of Cities, responsible for the environment and economy department.

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