Jerusalem Chapel Olsztyn

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The chapel at ul. Grunwaldzka

The Jerusalem Chapel Olsztyn , Polish: Kaplicka Jerozolimska , is a branch church of the abandoned Church of the Holy Spirit in the Polish city ​​of Olsztyn ( Allenstein ).

It was built before 1565. Believers in the city of Allenstein founded and donated for its construction. The chapel stood at the Hospital for Leper Saint George , which later also took care of the treatment of all other possible infections. In 1609 the roof and interior frescos had to be renewed. In 1775 the next restoration was carried out by Piotr Poleski . Pilgrims stopped here on their way to the pilgrimage sites Jonkendorf / Jonkowo and Glottau-Göttkendorf / Gutkowo .

Next to the chapel is a wrought-iron cross from 1886, which was moved here in 1975, to commemorate a cholera epidemic. The original Polish inscription on the base reads: "Od powietrza, glodu, ognia i wojny, zachowaj nas Panie", in German "Lord, save us from storm, hunger, fire and war".

Web links

Commons : Jerusalemkapelle Olsztyn  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 53 ° 46 ′ 34.9 "  N , 20 ° 28 ′ 6.7"  E