Jesuinha de Oliveira

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Jesuinha de Oliveira (* 1969 unsafe) is an East Timorese politician, women's rights activist and independence activist.


In 2000/2001, Oliveira represented the Liquiçá district on the National Council (NC), the country's transitional parliament. At that time, she was doing evening classes at the Universidade Nasionál Timór Lorosa'e (UNTL) while she worked during the day in the NC and as the secretary of the Organisação Mulher Timorense (OMT) in Liquiçá.

As a mother of two sons and a daughter, she had only started her studies in 1998. The violence of 1999 interrupted her studies abruptly. Before that, Oliveira and her husband were active in the East Timorese independence movement. As the administrator of the local sub-district in the Indonesian administration, he supported his wife in organizing the resistance among women in the region. They brought medicines, uniforms and other essentials to the FALINTIL resistance fighters and also cooked for them and members of the CNRT .

Oliveira's 20-year-old brother Dodo de Oliveira was one of the victims of the Santa Cruz massacre in 1991.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Government East Timor: Three Women of the National Council , in: Tais Timor, March 26 - April 8, 2001, UNTAET , accessed January 19, 2020.