Jiangbiao zhuan

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Jiangbiao zhuan ( Chinese  江 表 傳  - "Report [from the countries] across the Yangtze ") is the title of a Chinese chronicle of the Wu dynasty from the time of the Three Kingdoms . It was written privately by civil servant Yu Pu in the late 3rd and early 4th centuries and has only survived in fragments. It is known from the historical works of the Tang Dynasty that the chronicle originally comprised 30 chapters.

After Yu Pu's death, his son Yu Bo presented the chronicle to the Emperor Yuan of Jin (ruled 317–322), who accepted it into the imperial library. The Court's interest in this publication was due to the fact that the government had been driven from the north a few years earlier and was now concerned with the previous rule on the Yangtze.

The historian Pei Songzhi , who revised the Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms from various sources in the early 5th century , characterized the Jiangbiao zhuan as a reliable but not very sympathetic source. He identified the bases of the chronicle as different from those of the official chronicle of the state of Wu, the Wu Shu .
