Jim Gyllenhammar

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Jim Gyllenhammar (born December 26, 1978 ) is a former Swedish weightlifter .


Gyllenhammar reached 12th place at the European Championships in 2002 and 14th place in the over 105 kg class at the World Championships . At the 2004 European Championships he was ninth. In 2006 he reached sixth place at the European Championships . At the world championships in the same year, he was tested positive for nandrolone in the doping control and banned for two years. After his suspension, Gyllenhammar, who was trained by the two-time Olympic champion Aljaksandr Kurlowitsch , set three Swedish records in 2009 with 177 kg in snatch, 226 kg in jerk and 403 kg in duel. At the European Championships in 2011 he was seventh.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Gyllenhammar gör comeback i landslaget svd.se September 24, 2009
  2. Sanctioned Athletes iwf.net 2006